Reading, Spelling & Writing
Spelling Bee
Here's a link to all of the Spelling Bee resources. The children enjoy taking part in our Annual Spelling Bee Competition...
We use Spelling Shed to help us teach spelling rules. Don't forget to log in at home! Spelling overviews can be found in the Homework Matrix folder.
- In our, Reading Spine you can view our high-quality text, used by each class over the year. We use a text-based approach to our Writing lessons, where fiction, non-fiction and poems inspire our ideas and vocabulary. Careful consideration has been given to matching these books to our bespoke 3Ps curriculum.
Below are our Individual Book-Band Home Reading colours - check to see if your child is on track.
There's no such thing as a 'free readers' at BPS...all children are tracked and provided high-quality, suitable books, from a range of genres (fiction, non-fiction, poetry and playscripts) from our Book-Band Home Readers.
- Has your child achieved their Bronze (50 reads), Silver (100 reads), Gold (150 reads) and Platinum (180 reads) Reading Award this year? To find out more, click here. Remember to read everyday and record this in your diary to be on track for 180 reads to achieve your Platinum Reading Award by the end of the year.
Reading Parents' Workshop
View our Reading Workshop presentation here.
Pupil Voice - Reading
Find out what our KS 2 children think of reading below (February 2023)....
Teaching Reading Skills
- Once children are fluent at decoding through our Little Wandle phonics programme and learning a range of different poems, rhymes and songs to develop oracy and vocabulary, we then focus explicitly on teaching 'reading for meaning' (comprehension), using our reading rotation timetable.
- Reading is one of the principal ways we learn new things. We therefore allow children to read a lot and to listen to and talk about texts read to them (Read with CT). A range of whole texts, extracts and poems are used, with key vocabulary already mapped out to discuss as part of comprehension teaching. We do not teach reading skills in isolation or as a whole class.
- In KS 2, teaching Reading comprehension is supplemented with a programme called Reading Plus (Solutions). Read a case study here about the research and success of this programme.
- More about Reading Plus (Solution) can be found here.
Reading Fluency Project - Echo Reading
BPS children who are still developing their decoding and fluency in Year 2 and above, are targeted through our Fluency Approach using a range of strategies such as echo, choral and paired reading to develop prosody, speed, stamina and intonation.
Reading for Pleasure
- Reading is at the heart of everything that we do as it's key to learning new things...We read regularly as a whole school in assembly (linked to PSHE or a core value) or through book-themed competitions.
- We have a well stocked library, both indoors and outdoors (reading shed). Classrooms have texts that have been selected with the children, including graphic novels, poetry, joke books, fiction and non-fiction.
- We host reading and book related competitions and themes across the year.
- Children have access to a well stocked library inside and a Reading Shed outside on the playground.
- There is a dedicated slot on the timetable for daily RfP time, for every class.
Reading Volunteers
- We have several reading volunteers who read weekly with 15 key children.
- We also work with Coram Beanstalk Reading Charity, and have reading volunteers work with our children on a weekly basis.
Book Buddies
- Each class is paired up with another to form book buddies for the year...
- Children enjoy reading to each other and sharing and talking about books.