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Child Leadership Roles

Eco Council

Our Science Lead heads up our Eco Coucil, who have a very important job of making our school more sustainable. We are currently working towards our Bronze Eco School Award so there's a lot of positive change that is taking place like reusing paper (scrap paper), recycling yoghurt pots, promoting plastic free packaging lunch boxes (and sending each child's lunchbox leftovers home for those that don't comply), planting our own vegetables and cooking a meal. 

School Council

Our School Council is run by the children of Byfleet Primary School who have been elected to represent all the children of the school to help improve our school. Our PSHE Lead supports these children leaders.

House Captains & Vice Captains

Our Year 6 children are elected House and Vice House captains for our 4 teams (Kestrels, Hawks, Eagles and Hawks) and play a big part in planning and leading whole school events such as House competitions, Sports Days, Swimming Galas and general team spirit days. They are elected democratically after making a pledge speech. Our Year 6 teacher supports these children leaders.

Playtime Pals

Our Wellbeing Team (Mrs Wyatt and Miss Oliver) work closely with some children to help them support others during our Wellbeing Club each week. As role models, they have an important job to ensure everyone has a happy, safe and fun play time.

Eco Warriors

Our Eco Warriors are elected by the class half termly to help us recycle and reuse paper and waste in school. Our Science Leader supports these children leaders. 


Helping promote a love of reading at BPS! To do this very important job, you have to help organise and display our reading books in our library and Reading Shed, enjoy reading (any type of book!) and be keen to share suggestions and ideas about different books to other children! You also need to be really brave and stand up in front of the whole school and help host our World Book Day Assembly!

Yr 2 Milk & Fruit Monitors

Our Year 2 children are terrific at reading lists, collecting and distributing milk to our Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 classes. They also collect the fresh fruit on offer as a snack for Reception and KS 1 children, ready for the children to enjoy during their playtime. Our admin assistants support these children in their leadership roles.