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Here is a set of useful step-by-step resources to help you support your child at home. How about learning to play some of the songs with an adult?


Our Year 5s have been working with Surrey Arts to learn how to DJ using electronic mixing on DJ decks. They have been practising on Garage Band APP.


Our Year 3 and 4 children have a dedicated 1-hour slot each week to learn how to play the ukulele with Mr Gillani with Mrs Hanby assisting.

Mr Gillani also offers peripatetic lessons with around 12% of our children taking up this offer. If you are interested, please speak to our admin team, who will gladly assist you with the details.


  • Rocksteady provide peripatetic rockband lessons to 15% of our pupils in weekly slots.

Together with Music InteRgenerational charity project

  • Throughout the year our children liaise with our local nursing home, to entertain them through music.
  • We work with a charity called Together with Music

Voice in a Million

Our junior choir goes to Wembley and takes part in a charity event called Voice in a Million and sings with thousands of children.